Before joining you need to, by appointment, attend one of our bi-monthly Committee meetings as indicated on our What’s On page. These are held on the Monday before the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.15pm at the Patcham Community Centre, Ladies Mile Road, Patcham, Brighton. Please contact the Secretary on the Contact Us page, who will arrange a time for you to attend the next meeting.
Annual membership runs from January through to the end of December. The Club requires all pilots to have current BMFA insurance which can be paid through the Club at the same time as Club membership is arranged. CAA registration can also be arranged through the club with the BMFA.
All prospective members are invited to come along to the flying site prior to joining where you will have the opportunity to meet other members of the Club and find out more about the hobby. The best time to visit is during the mornings at weekends when Committee members will be available for a chat. Alternatively, our week-day flyers will welcome you if you prefer to visit during the week. Please make yourself known on arrival.
Please contact either the Chairman, the Treasurer or the Membership Co-ordinator if you would like to enquire about membership.
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