Club meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month in the main hall at Patcham Community Centre, Ladies Mile Road, Patcham, Brighton from 8pm to 10pm during April, November and December.
From May to September, we meet at our flying site just off Saddlescombe Road, north of Brighton on the first Wednesday of the month from about 6.45pm until dusk, weather permitting. Flying is the main event and only a brief report on Club activities is given by the Chairman.
In addition to discussing the usual Club business, the Committee regularly invite guest speakers to attend meetings to talk on topics of interest. In the past we have been fortunate to have Rod Dean, an expert in WWII aircraft give a presentation on spitfires/hurricanes and his career in the RAF. Other speakers have included representatives from RIPMAX, Shaheed Banglawala aerobatic correspondant from RCM&E, Chris Foss and others. At other times we might have ‘bring your latest project’ and presentations/discussions on building techniques.